Dear Graduate Program Coordinators and Directors of Graduate Study,

The past few weeks since my last email update to you have been a flurry of activity. I am emailing today not with new updates, but with a summary of a few points from various sources that I wanted to make sure you did not miss.

Guidance on international teleworking, including fellowships and graduate assistantships, was issued by the Office of Human Resources. Graduate School Fellowship Officer Nathaniel Haack emailed graduate program coordinators on July 13, with details on this guidance. Note that your program or school/college Human Resources staff have a toolkit available to them for working with international telework situations; please contact your HR to work through individual cases with students.

The ICE proposed interim rule affecting students on F-1 visas was rescinded. International Student Services (ISS) has been in regular communication with incoming and continuing graduate students, and they/we forward these messages to the graduate coordinator list serve afterward. Their latest messages to students are available here. In addition, the ISS COVID-19 Updates page continues to have the most up-to-date information and resources to help students and campus partners understand immigration requirements for fall.

Libraries announced Library by Appointment access to some facilities beginning with limited access to Memorial Library. For graduate students to be granted access, their faculty advisor must first request permission for them to return to on-campus research by completing the Phase 2 Research Reboot request form. The student can then schedule an appointment directly through the Library by Appointment procedure. Face masks or face coverings and physical distancing are required in the Library.

The Smart Restart website and the Graduate School’s COVID-19 webpage continue to be resources for you and your graduate students. Our page links to new FAQs on enrollment from the Office of the Registrar, as well as guidance for international students from ISS. Here are the COVID-19 related webpages with the latest updates:

Updates about Graduate School operations, as well as past communications on COVID-19, continue to be available in our KB: We are currently working on plans for Graduate School operations in fall semester, including processing forms, individual student appointments, responding to general phone/email inquiries, and other processes where we expect to see increased volume as the start of the semester approaches. Most likely, most of these will be handled remotely, but more specific guidance will be available in the next week or two.

Thank you,

William J. Karpus

Dean of the Graduate School

Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

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