Dear students,

We appreciate that students connecting with friends is a big part of your college experience. I took the opportunity last weekend, along with the UW Police Department, to visit with off-campus students to check in and remind them of the health protocols in place. We saw many students taking the Badger Pledge seriously – thank you for stepping up, following the public health orders and demonstrating responsibility. We also saw some students who were not being responsible and meeting our expectations.

As the Chancellor mentioned in her message yesterday, it’s clear that off-campus parties have significantly contributed to spreading the virus at other universities. At UW–Madison, we are taking strict measures on enforcement (on and off-campus) in collaboration with city officials. Violations could result in large city fines and university sanctions up to and including suspension. The University of Wisconsin System Non-Academic Misconduct Code allows for emergency suspension which we will utilize if necessary.

We cannot emphasize enough – follow campus and community public health guidelines or risk being suspended from UW–Madison. This means:

• No large parties or gatherings

• Small gatherings with anyone other than roommates must include six-foot physical distancing and face coverings for everyone able to wear them

We will need everyone’s commitment to making this semester work. We know it will not be easy but let’s meet this challenge together.

Thank you for doing your part.

Christina Olstad

Dean of Students

Newsletter sent by the University of Wisconsin–Madison
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